Freedom Homeschooling

Free Christian Homeschool Curriculum


Below, you will find free Christian curriculum guides for each grade. Simply choose your child’s grade level to get started. The curriculum choices were made from a non-denominational Protestant perspective.

Each grade level is made up of a mixture of online courses, printable workbooks/worksheets, and hands-on activities. Each grade level will also include one course that requires physical books, which can be borrowed from your library or purchased used inexpensively. We chose this variety of materials because we felt they were both high-quality, as well as, engaging for the students. We also didn’t want all of the student’s learning to be online, as too much screen time is a concern for many parents. Additionally, we chose only one course per year to use physical books, because we wanted to keep this curriculum as close to free as possible. We know that many families do not have a good public library in their area.

If you prefer to piece together your own curriculum or want to make any substitutions to these guides, you can choose subjects individually from the menu on our homepage.

It’s not that I’m worried if my kids go to school they won’t turn out “OK.” Homeschool is about so much more. The family time is a treasure, the relationships, the learning, the lifestyle, the discipleship… It’s not about keeping them from something but about giving them something. It doesn’t shelter; it FREES!

Karen DeBeus

Simply Living for Him

Free Christian Homeschool Curriculum
Deuteronomy 6:7

Why do people take or keep their children out of school? Mostly for three reasons: they think that raising their children is their business not the government’s; they enjoy being with their children and watching and helping them learn, and don’t want to give that up to others; they want to keep them from being hurt, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

John Holt

Teach Your Own